It's BLOG CANDY TIME!!!!!! Hello everyone. I was cleaning my studio and found a bunch of duplicates and started thinking...who could I give these to? The answer of course was YOU! What do you have to do to get these lovely goodies you ask. It's easy. All you have to do is:
1. Be or become a Follower.
2. Leave me a comment on this post as your entry.
3. Post this on your blog with a link back to me - it can go on your sidebar.
(now comes the tricky part)
4. Follow my sister Robin too.
5. Leave another comment saying you followed Robin.
Simple right? Leaving a comment that you are a follower counts as one entry and leaving a comment that you followed Robin will give you a second entry. What can I say, she helps me out a lot and I wanted to give her something she didn't already have. This post will remain at the top of my blog until the end of March at which time I will draw the winner. Good luck.

WOW!!!!! that is quite the stash! im already a follower of your blog... and now am following your sisters blog as well. :) thanks for the chance...
keeping my fingers crossed...
Grandiosa questa candy....spero che anche l'italia possa partecipare nel caso grazie della possibilita' e speramo che la fortuna giri
Ciao da ale
Вот это да!!! Пусть удача будет на моей стороне)) Читатель блога сестры Робин))
шикарная конфетка
WOW!! what yummy candy u have here..thanks for being so generous!!linked ur giveaway on my sidebar and became a follower of ur sisters blog ..hugs Regena
Super yummy candy Rebecca. Thanks for the chance to win. I have been a follower for some time.
Hi. Back again to say that I am also a follower of Robin's blog.
Wow! Very generous candy offering. I;ve been a follower of yours for a while now. I'm on board with all the other rules. Thanks for the chance to win!
In case you didn't get this from th last comment by ALL the rules, I am following Robin now. She has some adorable cards!
Rebecca, Terrific candy, would love to win that. I became a follower of both you and Robin. I have a niece named Rebecca (Becca) and her best friend is Sydney. When I saw your site, I thought that was so funny.
What fabulous extras you have aquired! Thank you for a great blog candy! HUGS
I'm a follower, put your Blog Candy on my sidebar. :D
I'm also a follower of Robin's blog!
Awesome candy dear!
Wow Sydney this is fantastic blog candy I will certainly become a follower of you and your sister Robin. Plus I will post this on my blog as well. Love doing that!!1 We all can help each other.
Linda K.
Hi Rebecca, I've just browsed through bits of your blog and boy do you do great work. Your creations are beautiful. I'm glad I found your blog and very happy to be a follower. Thanks for the chance to win this great candy.
Hi again. Have just popped over to Robin's blog and followed her too. Thanks for another chance to win.
Wow! Awesome candy! Thanks for the chance to win. I've been a follower here for a long time and now I've joined Robin's site too. Glad you asked to , I enjoyed her blog.
So by chance (from stamp and create) I stumbled onto your blog.
The first thing I saw was this great candy. Thanks for this chance!
And then I went scrolling down. Think you have a great style and what a colortalent!
I'm excited to see your next card!
Now I'm going to blog-hop over to your sisters...
Have a great day!
So by chance (from stamp and create) I stumbled onto your blog.
The first thing I saw was this great candy. Thanks for this chance!
And then I went scrolling down. Think you have a great style and what a colortalent!
I'm excited to see your next card!
Now I'm going to blog-hop over to your sisters...
*became a follower*
Have a great day!
Waw fab candy, you have fab blog and great cards you made. I am your follower now and put your candy on my sidebar of my blog. Hugs,moni
And I am your sister's follower. hugs;moni
Thank you to win sweet candy. :)
I'm also a follower of Robin's blog!
Super great candy Rebbeca.
I am your new follower from The Netherlands .
I added the candy on my sidebar.
Thanks for this gorgeous chance to win .
Gr Elly
Hi Rebbeca I com from your sisters blog and also a follower of Robin.
If you visit my blog I'm very happy.
Gr Elly
I have followed you :D Thank you for the chance to win these drool worthy candies! :D You are a very generous person <3
I have followed your sister too :D She is awesome!
I forgot, I have linked you too on my sidebar :) Best wishes to you and your sister!
Hi dearest Rebecca,nice to meet you^_^I'm your new follower,I found your blog while leaving comment on my blogfriend^_^
I added your candy on my sidebar,thanks for the chance to win^_^
If you visit my blog I'm very happy^_^
Hi Rebecca, such great candy! I'm following your blog and there's a link in my sidebar . Thanks for a chance to win! Greetings from Belgium, Annelies
I'm following Robin's blog too!
Thanks for this chance!
I have followed your sister too
Such a huge and wonderful giveaway Sydney, you are so sweet and generous. I would love to have a chance. I've linked to my sidebar and I'm also a new follower of your blog. Someone is going to be extremely lucky.
Hugs, Rosalee
I just went over to Robin's blog and realized that I'm already a follower of her's. Thanks for the wonderful chances.
Hugs, Rosalee
Oh, that a generous giveaway! Thanks for the chance ;)
Glad to be a follower of your sister blog too ^^
Хотелось бы выиграть конфету! Читателем блога Робин стала)))
Great blog, love the rest of your work too. Very nice giveaway. Am following.
Hi Rebecca; am following Robin's Reflections too. Both of you are talented.
Wow! That is sweet! We are pleased to become a follower of you and your sisters! I will be glad to see you in my blog)
I became your sister follower^_^
Thanks again for the chance to win^_^
Спасибо за возможность!!! Вроде все условия выполнила!!!)))
Gorgeous sweet!
I'd love to become a reader of your blog and Robin`s blog.
Gorgeous sweet!
I'm your new follower.. you have a lovely blog.. I have posted this awesome candy on my sidebar...
I'm following your sister Robin's blog.. She has awesome cards!!
Love this site! You and Robin do an amazing job on your card creations. I wish one of my sisters would share in my passion. Thanks for the opportunity to win. I am a follower of Robin as well.
Nice candy! Thanks for the chance!
I am your new follower and
candy is on my sidebar now...
I became your sister follower.
Thanks again for the chance to win :)
I've become your follower!Thank you for the chance!
And of course,I'm Robyn's follower now)))
Thank you once again!
Such great Candy - I'm a new follow- just repaying the flavor LOL xxx
following your sister also honey xxx
This is quite some candy and would be perfect for my girs so I can get them out of my stuff. :) Anyway I am indeed a follower. Going to go visit your girl now.
Okay I'm back and I am now follower number 97 at Robin's Reflections. Now to grab your candy for my sidebar.
I'm a new follower and have added your photo to my sidebar. thank you for the chance. :)
I have just started following Robin, too. :)
Wow have fab is your candy!! Thanks for the chance to win, i am following you and i am already a follower of Robin x
Wow, what a generous giveaway!! I'm already a happy follower, and I've added the pic to my sidebar!! Thanks for the chance to win!!
A Mermaid's Crafts
I already follow Robin, too!! Thanks for another chance to win :)
A Mermaid's Crafts
Thanks for a chance!
My blog:
I'm also a follower of Robin's blog=)
Fantastic candy.Thank you for the chance to win it.
I'm now following your Sister too.
спасибо за шанс))) читателем блога вашей сестры Робин стала))) разместила справа на панельке
Спасибо за возможность выиграть эту конфетку,, Стала ПЧ Робин
Рада знакомству! С удовольствием приму участие в розыгрыше.
Iam following you now hun, lovely blog, and thanks for the chance, xx
am also following you sister, as she sent me here, lol, picture is on my sidewall, xxx
Thank you for giving me the opportunity to win your candy - your blog is
Am now following your sister - how fab is she ?!?!?! xx
This is an incredibly generous gift to give. Wow...thank you for giving us a chance to win it! I am now one of your newest followers.
I am now following your sister's blog as well. You rock for doing this for her!
Wow Rebecca that is some awesome candy, thanks for the follow, I am now following you too, great blog :) x
I am following your lovely blog.
I love the stamps a lot!
I'm now following your Sister too.
Wow, wow, wow - fabulous candy! Thanks so much for a chance to win - I am a new follower :). I’ve added your sweet candy to my Blog Candy Cauldron .
Best wishes from Asia @ Under a Creative Spell
Ps. I am following Robin's blog, too!
Спасибо за возможность поучаствовать -
Thank you for this chance!
I'm a follower of Robin
Какая супер конфетка!!!! Спасибо!!
Стала постоянным читателем Вашим и сестры!
I am a follower & have posted your picture in the sidebar of my blog :) Thanks for the chance to win such a great prize! I am off to check out your sister's blog :)
I am now a follower of Robin's too! How fun to have two such talented designers to follow :)I look forward to seeing more of both of your work :)
I am your follower - shared the candy info on my blog (the left sidebar -
And I follower your sister now, too))
Just found your blog & am your newest follower. Thanks for the opportunity to win some yummy goodies.
Now following your sis Robin.
Добавила картинку тут
Читатель Робин))
What an awesome give-away! Just became a follower of your blog and your sister's blog also. Thanks for the chance to win such a wonderful gift - I'm off to take a look around your blog!
hey .thanks for chance to win ,such ahuge and lovely candy.seriously ,i am in desperate need of craft goodies and those stamps are mouthwatering .and yess I am following you.
posting about your candy on side bar.also posting on FB (you did'nt said but i wish to do so).thanks again.
hi again , i can see two sisters love .actually robin informed me about your candy , so sweet of her and thanks to her again .I am following her too.
i am long time follower :)
followed Robin as well :)
hi..i m a new follower of yours...i must say that u r very generous that u offered such a giant n yummy candy...m new to craffting too so very short with supplies i would really want to provide a very loving n caring home to all ur beloved goodies....posted it in my sidebar .....thanks for the chance.
Gorgeous candy! Thanks for the chance!
I am a follower you and your sister now :)
I linked it on sidebar
hi...drop in again to say that i followed ur sisters blog also....thanks again for the chance...!!
Hi! I'm already your follower. And I like visiting your blog. I'm also your sisters blog follower. Both of you are creating beautiful cards.
Your candy is awesome. Thanks for a chance.
Janja Z.
What a great candy. Thanks for a chance. I am a new follower and have added a pic to my sidebar.
I am following Robin's blog.
Thanks for the Candy!)) She's wonderful!!!
Become your constant reader and Robin.
The picture of the panels:
wonderful! Thanks for the chance! I love the stamps a lot!
I am a follower both you and your sister.))
I linked it on sidebar -
Hi Rebecca, I am your new follower and thanks for the chance on your blog candy. I would love to win this and start back again on paper crafting when little one comes out.
I have posted on my blog sidebar with link back to here.
Also a new follower of your sister's blog.
Wow... gorgeous candy. Thanks for the chance.
I love your blog.
By Tina
I follow Robin's blog too.
I have posted a pic of your candy and am now following thanks for the chance to win! Hugs Rebekah xx
I am now following Robyn too! Hugs Rebekah xx
Smart candy, there is a strong wish for good luck. Now I am the follower of your blog and Robin
Amazing giveaway! I linked it on sidebar Welcome! :)
Thanks for the chance!
very nice andy.Viera
role fulfilled. Viera
I am happy to say that I am a follower of you and sister's blog!
I even signed up for email updates! :)
I'm sorry I should have commented seperately, I am following Robin's blog also :)
Found you via a challenge entry for Moving Along with the Times! (Maybe you want to come and play along?)
Following you & posted on my blog
Riette (Red)
also following Robin's page!!
It must be really nice to have a sister who shares in your crafting passions :D
wonderful candy
Wow thats a lot of stuff. Thank youre sister for sending me here
I am also now following your sister :D xx
I almost forgot! I'm also a follower of Robin's blog! Brilliant candy!
Lovely giveaway :) Sooo many yummy goodies :)
Thanx for this chance !!
Hugs Rebecca
I am a follower of your sisters blog :)
Hugz :)
Thanks so much for the chance to win! Have joined your blog and your picture is on my sidebar! Lots of love from Laura xxxxx
And now I am following your sister's blog! Thanks so much for doing this lovely giveaway! Much love from Laura xxxxxxxx
Hi! I found your blog through your sister! You have a lot of great creations on your blog! This giveaway is amazing! Thanks for the chance to win it! Hugs, Hanneke
I actually have a candy on my blog too for my birthday, there are still a few days to join in:
I started following your sister's blog too! Hugs, Hanneke
Thanks for the chance to win it!
I am also now following your sister
Hello Sydney!
I am a follower and I've put your candy pic on my sidebar! I love your work.
Best regards,
Hello again!
I am a Robin's follower too! ;)
Great candy btw!
What a fabulous giveaway amd a super blog you have too.Your new follower
Have posted about your giveaway on my blog sidebar to send you some traffic
Dr Sonia
Cards Crafts School Projects
Have dropped by Robin's site too.So delightful to see a sister crafting duo and so wonderful of you to include her in your giveaway. Have followed both your blogs ..keeping fingers crossed
Dr Sonia
Cards Crafts School Projects
Очень хочется Сладенького;)
Fantastic candy you are sharing with us thank you for the chance I'm now following you hugs Nikki
I'm following your sister too :) thanks for the 2nd chance
What an amazing, generous blog candy pile of goodies!! I am following both you and your sister [she has beautifully colored images!] and I have posted the bc on my blog. Thanks for the opportunity!!
I am your newest follower!! thanks for the chance...Glad to connect I have started a new blog, do visit whenever you have some time. I would be so happy if you join in. I hope to keep you interested in my work :)
Happy Crafting!!
I am following Robin too and its so wonderful that you two are so talented ...keeping fingers crossed...
Amazing giveaway! Posted it in my sidebar. Thanks for the chance to win!
I'm also a follower of Robin's blog!
И я с удовольствием поучаствую))))
Im a new follower!
I follow Robin's blog too!
Follow with GFC
Follow Robin's blog too!
Wow! Awesome candy! Thanks for the chance to win.
I am now following Robyn too!
Follow Robin blog too.
on sidebar
You are both a very talent!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Fantastic candy! Follow Robin blog too.
My blog
Вот это конфетка)))С радостью приму участие
Happy to follow you ... Posted the candy pic on my blog...
I'm happy to follow Robin too...
Thanks for the chance to win this lovely candy.
Just became Robin's follower aswell.
Thanks for the chance to win. I'm a new follower and the picture is posted. I'm off to visit Robin.
I'm back to say I am now a new follower of Robin. I have enjoyed looking at both your creations.
Thank you for following me and joinging my blog candy! Thank you for offering blog candy as well. I am now a follower of you and of your sister Robin as well! You both have amazing projects!
oh i fogot to say, i following Robin too
С удовольствием присоединяюсь к конфете! Ссылка на правой боковой панельке
Я также последователь Робин)))
I am your new follower and posted your candy on my sidebar. I wish if I can win. Fingers crossed. stamps are super cute. Thanks for the chance to win dear./
Following Robin's blog as well. found some amazing creations on her blog.
Hi, wow lovely cards, i have become a follower, set up a link on my blog, and about to follow your sister, Thanks for the chance to win lovely candy!! i love your monster mash card!!Fab...
Louise x
Hi Rebecca, i am now following Robin's Blog, she has some lovely designs too, what a talented pair you are! Thanks Louise
Дуже б хотіла таку смачну цукерку! Стала читачем Робін.
Very want such delicious candy! Became a reader Robin.
HI Rebekka! I am a new follower to you and your sister Robin. You can find links to your blogs on my sidebar. Thanks you for the chance to win your amazing candy.
thanks a lot for the chance dear . hope to win !! fingers crossed
followed ur sis too ^_^
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